Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communications

Q For this Db activity there are three parts: Part A: student's are to analyze the concept of integrated marketing communications. In other words, student's must discuss IMC, five components of IMC, and the advantages and disadvantages of and IMC program. Part B: student's must research the Product Life Cycle (PLC) and why it is important for the marketing agent to properly identify the placement of their own product and, the placement of competing products. Part C: student's must discuss the differences between the push and pull strategies.

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Part A: The concept of integrated marketing communication suggests a simple idea of ensuring every forms of messages and communication that are linked together in a careful manner. Integrated marketing communication can be considered as an important promotional tool and a method of brand promotion in a proper manner. Five components of IMC are the corporate culture, promotional tools, communication tools, brand focus, and consumer experience (Luxtonet al. 2015). The advantages of IMC programs include developing trust among the consumers, the brand will be easily recognized, budget will increase, there will be more revenue, and the message will be more concentrated regarding a particular product.